Ing. Agr. (Ph.D.) Walter E. Baethgen
Institución a la que pertenece: IRI, Columbia University, New York, EEUU
Años de actuación en el CIRCVC: 2012 a la actualidad.
Breve presentación personal: Walter E. Baethgen es Senior Research Scientist de Columbia University y Director del Programa de Investigación Regional y Sectorial del IRI. Ha venido estableciendo proyectos cuyo objetivo es mejorar la gestión de riesgos climáticos en la agricultura, salud pública, recursos hídricos y ecosistemas naturales. El trabajo de Baethgen en cambio climático se ha focalizado fundamentalmente en mejorar la capacidad adaptativa en esos sectores pero también ha trabajado en aspectos relacionados a la mitigación.
Principales publicaciones sobre cambio climático y cambio global:
Baethgen, W.E. and L. Goddard. 2013. Latin American Perspectives on Adaptation of Agricultural Systems to Climate Variability and Change. IN: D. Hillel and C. Rosenzweig (Eds.): Handbook of Climate Change and Agroecosystems: Global and Regional Aspects and Implications. pp 57-72. ICP Series on Climate Change Impacts, Adaptation, and Mitigation Vol. 2. Imperial College Press.
Chen, C; A. Greene; A. Robertson; W.E. Baethgen; D. Eamus. 2013. Scenario Development for Estimating Potential Climate Change Impacts on Crop Production in the North China Plain. Int. J. Clim. Volume 33(15):3124–3140
Uriarte, M; M. Pinedo-Vasquez, RS DeFries, K Fernandes, V Gutierrez-Velez, WE Baethgen, C. Padoch. 2012. Depopulation of rural landscapes exacerbates fire activity in the western Amazon. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (52):21546-21550
Baethgen, W.E. 2012. Climate Information for Improving Adaptation to Climate Variability and Change. CLIVAR Exchanges VAMOS No. 58(17):16-20
Chen, C.; W. E. Baethgen; A. Robertson. 2012. Contributions of individual variation in temperature, solar radiation and precipitation to crop yield in the North China Plain, 1961–2003. J. Climatic Change 116(3-4):767-788
Gutiérrez-Vélez, V.; R. DeFries, M. Pinedo-Vásquez, M. Uriarte, C. Padoch, W.E. Baethgen, K. Fernandes, Y. Lim. 2011. High-yield oil palm expansion spares land at the expense of forests in the Peruvian Amazon. Environ. Res. Lett. 6(4):1-5
Fernandes, F.; W. Baethgen, S. Bernardes, R. DeFries, D. G. DeWitt, L. Goddard, W. Lavado, D. Eun Lee, C. Padoch, M. Pinedo-Vasquez, M Uriarte. 2011. North Tropical Atlantic influence on western Amazon fire season variability. Geoph. Res. Lett. 38(12):12701
Seager, R., N. Naik, W.E. Baethgen, A. Robertson, Y. Kushnir, J. Nakamura, S. Jurburg, 2010: Tropical Oceanic Causes of Interannual to Multidecadal Precipitation Variability in Southeast South America over the Past Century. J. Climate, 23: 5517–5539.
Aggarwal, P. K., W. E. Baethgen, P. Cooper, R. Gommes, B. Lee, H. Meinke, L. S. Rathore, and M. V. K. Sivakumar, 2010: Managing Climatic Risks to Combat Land Degradation and Enhance Food security: Key Information Needs. Procedia Environmental Sciences, 1:305-312, doi: 10.1016/j.proenv.2010.09.01
Goddard, L., Y. Aitchellouche, W. Baethgen, M. Dettinger, R. Graham, P. Hayman, M. Kadi, R. Martínez, and H. Meinke, 2010: Providing Seasonal-to-Interannual Climate Information for Risk Management and Decision-making. Procedia Environmental Sciences, 1:81-101, doi: 10.1016/j.proenv.2010.09.007.
Baethgen, W.E. 2010. Climate Risk Management for Adaptation to Climate Variability and Change. Crop Sci. 50(2):70–76
Baethgen, W.E.; M. Carriquiry and C. Ropelewski. 2009. Tilting the odds in maize yields: how climate information can help manage risks. Bull. Am. Met. Soc. 90(2):179-183
Baethgen, W.E.; Giménez, A. 2009. Seasonal climate forecasts and satellite information: improving decisions in the Uruguayan agricultural sector. pp:92-94. In: J.Dodd, R.Lambert, A.Lawrence, S.Townsend (Eds.), Climate Sense. WMO, Geneva.
Baethgen, W.E. 2009. Challenges for Incorporating Climate Change in Decision-making and Public Policies for the Agricultural Sector. IICA Coyuntura. (In Spanish) http://www.iica.org.uy/online/coyuntura_58_doc.asp
A. Giménez; J.P. Castaño; W. Baethgen; B. Lanfranco. 2009. Climate Change in Urugay: impacts and adaptive measures in the agricultural sector. (In Spanish). INIA Tech Ser 178, Estanzuela, Uruguay
Baethgen, W.E. 2008. Climate Risk Management and Adaptation to Climate Change. In: “Uruguay, Climate Change Here and Now”. Suplementary document for the UNDP Report on Human Development. UNDP Uruguay, Montevideo
Verbist, K.; G. Soto; W.E. Baethgen and D. Gabriels. 2008. Drought mitigation through prediction for an arid zone in Chile. pp:16-22. IN: D. Gabriels et al. (Eds.), Combating desertification: assessment, adaptation and mitigation strategies. UNESCO, Ghent University and Belgian Developkemnt Corporation.
Hansen, J.W., Baethgen, W., Osgood, D., Ceccato, P. Ngugi, R.K. 2007. Innovations in climate risk management: protecting and building rural livelihoods in a variable and changing climate. Journal of Semi-Arid Tropical Agricultural Research 4(1). (Also published online at: http://www.icrisat.org/Journal/specialproject.htm)
Magrin, G., M. Travasso, W. E. Baethgen and R. Boca. 2007. Improving Applications in Agriculture of ENSO-Based Seasonal Rainfall Forecasts Considering Atlantic Ocean Surface Temperatures. pp. 249-257. In: M. Sivakumar and J. Hansen (eds.) Climate Prediction and Agriculture Advances and Challenges. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Roel, A. and W. E. Baethgen. 2007. Towards the Development of a Spatial Decision Support System (SDSS) for the Application of Climate Forecasts in Uruguayan Rice Production Sector. pp 89-97 In: M. Sivakumar and J. Hansen (eds.) Climate Prediction and Agriculture Advances and Challenges. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Stauffer, M., W. Baethgen, R.L. Berbara, E. Caetano, A. Castellanos, B. Goebel, M. McClain, R. Menezes, A. Sánchez-Azofeita. 2007. Steering research towards policy relevance. pp 9-20. In: Tiessen, H., et al. Eds. Communicating Global Change Sciences to Society. Island Press, Washington.
Baethgen, W. E.. 2007. Climate Changes in the Agricultural Sector of Developing Countries: Mitigation, Adaptation and Decision Making. Multiciencia Journal (8) 122-136. Also: http://www.multiciencia.unicamp.br/art07_8_i.htm
Giménez, A., and W.E. Baethgen. 2006. SIMERPA: An Information and Monitoring System for Assessing Climate Risks in Agricultural Production of Paraguay and Uruguay. INIA Tech. Bull. No. 162
Baethgen, W. E., and M. A. Carriquiry. 2006. Characterization of Yield Variability of Five Rainfed Crops in Uruguay. (in Spanish). Coyuntura Agropecuaria. IICA. http://www.iica.org.uy/online/coyuntura_28doc.asp
Meinke, H.; R. Nelson, P.Kokic, R.Stone1, R. Selvaraju, W. E. Baethgen. 2006. Actionable climate knowledge: from analysis to synthesis. Clim Res 33: 101–110.
Travasso, M. I., G. O. Magrin, W. E. Baethgen, J. P. Castaño, G. R. Rodriguez, J. L. Pires, A.Gimenez, G.Cunha, and M. Fernandes. 2006. Adaptation Measures for Maize and Soybean in Southeastern South America. AIACC Working Paper No. 28. http://www.aiaccproject.org/working_papers/Working%20Papers/AIACC_WP28_Travasso.pdf
Baethgen, W. E. and D. L. Martino. 2004. Mainstreaming climate change responses in economic development of Uruguay. In: OECD Global Forum on Sustainable Development. Environment Directorate. Environment Policy Committee. ENV/EPOC/GF/SD/RD(2004)2
Baethgen, W.E.; H. Meinke, A. Gimenez. 2004. Adaptation of agricultural production systems to climate variability and climate change: lessons learned and proposed research approach IN: Insights and Tools for Adaptation: Learning from Climate Variability, NOAA-OGP, Washington, D.C.
Meinke, H., S. M. Howden, W.E. Baethgen, G. L. Hammer, R. Selvaraju and R. C. Stone. 2004. Can climate knowledge lead to better rural policies and risk management practices? IN: Insights and Tools for Adaptation: Learning from Climate Variability, NOAA-OGP, Washington, D.C.
Meinke, H., L. Donald, P. deVoil1, B. Power, W. Baethgen, M. Howden, R. Allan and B. Bates. 2004. How predictable is the climate and how can we use it in managing cropping risks? Invited Symposia Paper, 4th International Crop Science Congress, Brisbane, September 2004.
Agrawala, S.; A. Moehner, F. Gagnon-Lebrun, W. E. Baethgen, D.L. Martino, E. Lorenzo, M.Hagenstad, J.Smith and Maarten van Aalst. 2004. Development and Climate Change in Uruguay: Focus On Coastal Zones, Agriculture And Foresty. COM/ENV/EPOC/DCD/DAC(2004)2/FINAL. OECD, Paris. http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/42/7/32427988.pdf
Rosenzweig, C, W.E. Baethgen; A. Busalacchi; M.A. Cane; D. Rind and C. J. Tucker. 2003. Using Earth Science Tools to Improve Seasonal Climate Prediction for Agriculture. EOM 12:32-35.
Rosenzweig, C., Iglesias, A. and Baethgen, W. (2002): Evaluating climate impacts, adaptation, and vulnerability in agriculture; in Proceedings of Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessment Methods, Trieste, Italy, June 3-14, 2002.
Baethgen, W.E. 2001. Global Warming and Agriculture. Fert. Focus 18:42-48.
Schneider, S.; J. Sarukhan; J. Adejuwon; C. Azar; W.E. Baethgen; C. Hope; R. Moss; N. Leary; R.Richels; J.P. van Ypersele. 2001. Overview of Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability to Climate Change pp 75-103. IN: Climate Change 2001: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability, (McCarthy, J. J., Canziani, O., Leary, N. A., Dokken, D. J. and White, K. S. eds.) Contribution of Working Group II to the Third Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Cambridge University Press.
Baethgen, W.E, 2001. The Experience of Southeastern South America (Mercosur Region). IN: Coping with the Climate: A Way Forward. International workshop, October 16 – 20, 2000, Pretoria, South Africa. IRI Publication IRI-CW/01/1. Palisades, NY.
Baethgen W. E. y G.O. Magrin. 2000. Applications of Climate Forecasts in the Agricultural Sector of South East South America. (pp. 248-266) In: Climate Prediction and Agriculture, Sivakumar, M.V.K. (Ed.), Proceedings of the START/WMO International Workshop, Geneva. Washington, D.C., USA: International START Secretariat.
Baethgen, W.E. and A. Morón. 2000. Carbon Sequestration in Agricultural Production Systems of Uruguay: Observed Data and CENTURY Model Simulation Runs. Anales de la V Reunión de la Red Latinoamericana de Agricultura Conservacionista, Florianópolis, Brasil.
Baethgen, W.E. and D.L. Martino. 2000. Greenhouse gas emissions in the agricultural and forestry sectors of Uruguay and opportunities in the Carbon market. Anales de la V Reunión de la Red Latinoamericana de Agricultura Conservacionista, Florianópolis, Brasil.
Baethgen, W.E and D.L. Martino. 2000. Greenhouse gas emissions from the agricultural and forestry sectors of Uruguay and opportunities in the carbon market. (In Spanish) In: Proceedings of the Latin American Animal Science Society Congress. Montevideo, Uruguay.
Baethgen, W. E. y G.O. Magrin. 2000. Applications of Climate Forecasts in the Agricultural Sector of South America. In: Proceedings of the International Forum on Climate Prediction (pp. 38-44), Agriculture and Development, April 2000, International Research Institute for Climate Prediction (IRI), Palisades, New York.
Baethgen, W.E. 1999. Applying scientific results in the agricultural sector: information and decision support systems. Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI) Science Forum: Global Change in the Americas. Arlington, VA.
Bowen, W. T. and W. E. Baethgen. 1998. Simulation as a tool for improving nitrogen management. In: Understanding Options for Agricultural Production, G. Y. Tsuji, G. Hoogenboom, and P. K. Thornton (eds.). Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherlands. pp. 193–208.
Rosenzweig, C.; A. Iglesias; G. Fischer; Y. Liu; W.E. Baethgen and J.W.Jones. 1999. Wheat yield functions for analysis of land-use change in China. Environmental Modelling and Assessment, 4:115-132.
Baethgen, W.E. 1998. Using crop simulation models for studying yield limitations. In: M.M.Kohli and D.L. Martino (eds.) Exploring high wheat yields, 127-148. CIMMYT-INIA, La Estanzuela, Uruguay.
Baethgen, W.E. 1997. Vulnerability of the agricultural sector of Latin America to climate change. Climate Res. 9:1-7
Reilly, J., W.E. Baethgen, F.E. Chege, S.C. van de Geijn, Lin Erda, A. Iglesias, G.Kenny, D.Patterson, J. Rogasik, R. Ritter, C. Rosenzweig, W. Sombroek and J. Westbrook. 1996. Agriculture in a changing climate: impacts and adaptation, IN: Changing Climate: Impacts and Response Strategies, Contribution of Working Group II to the Second Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Cambridge University Press.
Christianson, C.B.; G. Carmona and W.E. Baethgen. 1996. Effect of concentration of four triamide urease inhibitors in urea on nitrogen efficiency in wheat. Soil Biol. Biochem 28:1121-1125.
Baethgen, W.E., and C.B. Christianson. 1996. Nitrogen fertilization of malting barley for optimum grain yield and adequate industrial quality. Fertilizer Issues 25:314-318
Baethgen, W.E. and G.O. Magrin. 1995. Assessing the impacts of climate change on winter crop production in Uruguay and Argentina using crop simulation models. IN: C. Rosenzweig et al. (eds.), Climate Change and Agriculture: Analysis of Potential International Impacts. American Society of Agronomy Special Publication 59, Madison WI, pp 207-228.
Baethgen, W.E., A. Morón and R.M. Díaz-Rosello. 1994. Modeling long-term soil organic carbon changes in six cropping systems of SW Uruguay. International Soil Science Society Transcripts, Vol 9:300-302. Acapulco, Mexico.
Baethgen, W.E. 1994. Impacts of climate change on barley in Uruguay: yield changes and analysis of nitrogen management systems. IN: C. Rosenzweig and A. Iglesias (ed.) Implications of Climate Change for International Agriculture: Crop Modeling Study. USEPA 230-B-94-003, Washington, D.C.